Action Synergy S.A. from Greece is a training and knowledge- based applications organization which is actively involved in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and the development of e-learning training courses. Action Synergy S.A. disposes a long experience in the management and coordination of European Projects. Since its foundation in 1986 the organisation has participated in a considerable number of EU educational projects.
Key areas of expertise include: Organisation of education activities for the social inclusion of vulnerable target groups; Organisation of teacher trainings in relation with innovative training methodsq; Management, organisation and planning of transnational European projects focusing on education and training; Creation of links between Universities and enterprises aiming at the technological and regional development; Organisation of Mobility Projects; Organisation of e-learning and online learning courses; Organisation of courses related with the development of the employability of young people; Promotion and organization of Life Long Learning and continuous training programmes; Development of synergies at local, national and transnational level; Learning needs analysis’ Development of courses and modules making use of innovative methodologies such as: open/flexible learning methodologies such as open/flexible learning methodologies, elearning; Quality Assurance.