What would you like to teach through this educational scenario?
Focus on the end of Franco’s dictatorship in Spain and the return to democracy with the recovery of individuals’ personal freedoms and their duties as citizens.
Which subject and which part of the curriculum does this educational scenario address?
Interdisciplinary approach between Spanish language, civic education – history of Spain

Which work of Art have you selected to use your lesson?
“La grande familia” by Magritte (1963),

“Paseo a orillas del Mar“ deSorolla (1909),

“Saturn devouring his children” Goya (1819-23),

“La gran ola” de Katsushika Hokusai(1830-33),

“La libertad que guia el pueblo” Delacroix (1830),

“Tierra y libertad” de Diego Ribera (1929-35)

“The heart of the state” by Pellizza da Volpedo (1901),

Giorgio GABER’s song-theatre: “Freedom”.

Which are the main discussion points on which you are going to focus The project will focus on:
1) The concept of freedom.
2) The relationship between human freedom and respect for others and for nature.
3) The recovery of people’s freedoms and respect and tolerance for cultural diversity.

Which theatre techniques are you going to use in the classroom. How are you going to organize the activities of the children? Please describe what you are going to do in phases (phase 1, phase 2 etc) Theatrical techniques used: role playing, forum theater, debate, cooperative learning, process drama, documentary theater, legislative theatre. Theatrical techniques used: role playing, simultaneous dramaturgy, debate…
1) Different images of works of art that have the theme of freedom will be shown to the children and the students will have to describe them in Spanish, then express 4 sensations they feel when looking at them and give a title to each image. 2) Students will have to write on an anonymous piece of paper in Spanish about what freedom means to them. The teacher will collect the slips. 3) The students gather in groups and each one will have to read the different definitions given on freedom and reflect. 4) Gaber’s song is played and the students translate it into Spanish and transform it into a prose monologue which will then be recited by each group. 5) Segismondo’s monologues in Spanish are then read by the teacher and the students are asked to identify the key concepts and express their feelings. 6) Finally, each student will be asked to write on a piece of paper in Spanish “When you feel free and when you are all free”: all the pieces of paper will be hung on the classroom wall and “The wall of freedom” will be created. |

How are you going to organize the debate following the artistic activity? Are you going to organize any follow up activities?
The teacher will have the task of moderating and guiding the groups’ activity, ensuring collaboration between peers, the sharing of ideas, the exchange of roles and the emergence of hidden potential. It would be interesting to continue the discussion on freedom by looking for other songs in Spanish and Latin American music that deal with freedom