Galileo.it S.r.l. is specialised in realizing training modules by using ICT. It co-operates with several ICT and vocational training expert bodies in order to arrange and spread the FTS (Flexible Training System protocols).
Galileo.it have a lot of experience in flipped learning, in innovative methodologies and in the creation of didactic materials and in training for the active citizenship training for migrants and asylum seekers and in adult training for HoReCa sector.
As partner of Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente, Galileo.it made didactic material and tools for the Erasmus+ project “FLIP – Flipped Learning in Praxis”.
Galileo.it have participated in projects in which he created educational materials to propose new ways of healthy cooking by keeping under control the carbon footprint of the dishes that we put on our tables. Galileo.it has been involved in many projects that had as their primary purpose the development of a new environmental awareness and a new way to take care of their health through simple measures that consider the impact of their choices on the environment around us.
Language Solution is a Division of Galileo.it dedicated to language training and the creation of blended tools for language adult training.
In 2005 the Italian Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and the European Commission (Education and Culture) gave to Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente the European Label for innovative projects in language teaching and learning for the project and product PANGLOS made in collaboration with Language Solution – Division of Galileo.it.
In in 2009 Galileo.it won the label for creativity and innovation for the interactive English course designed for McDonald’s Italy. In 2012 Galileo.it won the European Label for innovative projects in language teaching and learning for the Multimedia kit for basic English prepared for Mc Donald’s Italy.
Galileo was partner of many EC Projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and other EC initiatives and partner of many projects funded by Italian Regions and Italian Government.
Galileo.it administrator was researcher and writer of the chapter on “New technologies for tourism” in the “OFFICIAL REPORT ON TOURISM”, edited every two years or yearly, promoted by the Italian Government, from the SIXTH REPORT since the FOURTEENTH REPORT, researcher and writer of the chapter on “vocational training for tourism” from the FIFTH REPORT since the ELEVENTH one and researcher and writer of the chapter on “social tourism” in the 2009 “OFFICIAL REPORT ON TOURISM” edition.
Galileo has made materials for self training on several topics. Galileo staff is able to make clips and also self training modules.
Galileo.it boasts among its staff experts in: innovation, new applied technologies, local and cultural development, new forms of language learning, culture, food education, and use of creativity tools, adult education and lifelong learning.