GeoCamp is a private educational institution founded in 2009 with the goal to advance and develop STEM education in Iceland as well as to host international student and teacher groups. Annually between 400-500 students and teachers attend courses at GeoCamp, ranging from secondary schools to university students, as well as from international and national teacher’s associations. GeoCamp has two employess, but works closely with regional and national educational and research institutions.
GeoCamp is an active member of the European Geopark’s Network. GeoCamp Iceland centers around STEM development with primary focus on developing educational material as well as participation in international development projects. We are an educational project dedicated to increasing knowledge and understanding in natural sciences with practical and active learning. GeoCamp develops educational content, student and teacher guides and curricula, organize and receive international study groups of secondary school, college and university students, as well as teacher groups focusing primarily on focusing primarily on STEM education including geology, geography, natural sciences, climate change and renewable energy.
Furthermore GeoCamp Iceland participates in regional, national and international educational projects, research development and training oportunities, with primary focus on developing teacher and student curricula and training material for outdoor science education and STEM related training activities.