Learning Objectives The focus of this educational scenario is on discrimination of women and women rights. Women rights are violated all around the world, but specifically in certain countries like Iran. This educational scenario also focuses on importance of taking care about the other, even if we are not belonging to the group whose rights are violated. Which subject and which part of the curriculum does this educational scenario address? Interdisciplinary approach to photography. |
Work of Art Contemporary photo of unknown photographer |
Discussion points 1. Through description of photography we would like to focus on violation of women rights in Iran and in the world. 2. Through description of the people presented on the photo we want to focus on the importance of defending the women rights in general. 3. Why do we need to stand up for the other would be the third important point. |
The students in Action/ Artistic Activity We would like to emphasize that this scenario is created for young people over 13 years old. Theatrical techniques used: role playing, debate, documentary theater, devising techniques. Activity Phases: 1. Presentation of the photo that is used in this scenario. Description of the photo, together with participants. 2. Short overview of the situation with women rights in Iran and broader. Discussion how it is linked with the situation in our countries. 3. Educator asks all participants to take a photo, to study it and to stand in the space and create the photo as a scene in the space. 4. Each participant should describe how does she / he feel. Educator supports this discussion. 5. Educator asks each participant to make one action that would be an action that would lead to the situation on the photo, which happened just before the situation on the photo. Educator asks participants to make an action that would follow, just after the situation on the photo. Everyone explains the choice. Participants repeat all three actions: one that was before, one that is on the photo and one that could happen after. 6. Educator asks participants to think and then create what would be different, desired outcome of the actions presented on the photo. Participants propose it and they do it together in the space. 7.The class is divided into groups that start a debate related to the : a) possible causes of the violation of the women rights. b) What could be done for improvement 3) why is it important to take care about the other even if we do not belong to the group that is under the threat. 8. The whole group shares what has been found. 9. Finally the group is divided into groups and works on ideas about the dissemination of what they have learned . |
Debate/ Follow Up Educator should lead discussion about the main points of the work. The main question would be “What could be done in our surrounding to prevent the violence on women?”. Follow up activities would be presenting it through social media, in the form of photos, short videos, texts. |