What would you like to teach through this educational scenario?
Develop a reflection on human rights, denied rights and denied childhood; Acquire awareness of the principles of solidarity, respect and hospitality; Overcome prejudice towards others by accepting equality and repudiating violence

Which work of Art have you selected to use your lesson? “
Migrant child” by Bansky,

“In the sea there are crocodiles, book by Fabio Geda,

“In the sea there are crocodiles” Film by Rosalba Vitellaro,
“Go and live” book by Alain Dugrand and Radu Mihaileanu

Have you adapted this work of Art in order to fit the purpose of the lesson? If yes, how?Some pages of the books were selected and read in class; the film has been seen in its entirety.

Which are the main discussion points on which you are going to focus The project will focus on reflection on human rights, denied childhood, war and reception.

Which theatre techniques are you going to use in the classroom. How are you going to organize the activities of the children? Please describe what you are going to do in phases (phase 1, phase 2 etc)
Theatrical techniques used: role playing, forum theater, debate, cooperative learning, process drama, documentary theater, legislative theatre.
Theatrical techniques used: role playing, debate, cooperative learning
Activity phases:
1) The teacher presents to the class the topics that will be reflected on during the project.2) The children will then be asked to develop their own text starting from reading some pages of the book: “There are crocodiles in the sea”.3) Students will then be invited to reflect on Bansky’s work “Mural of the Castaway Child”.4) Some pages taken from the book “Go and live” will then be read and then some letters written by Italian migrants.5) A debate on emigration will follow and each student will have the opportunity to express their impressions and feelings: the positions that emerge will be collected and shared with the whole class.6) Various activities will then be proposed (writing a text, making a video, making a piece of music, making a mural…) and each student will have the opportunity to express their reflections on the topics covered, through the activity that best suits them. reflects your interests. |

How are you going to organize the debate following the artistic activity? Are you going to organize any follow up activities? Students will have the opportunity to freely share their emotions and moods with their classmates. An event will be organized at the school so as to share the project carried out both with the other teachers of the school and with those of other schools.