The Multiplier Event took place on 28 January 2024 at the Sudurnes Science and Learning Centre in
Sandgerði, aimed to disseminate the HEDA project results and foster connections among educators
and stakeholders to support the project’s sustainability in Iceland. With a total of 12 participants—8
in-person attendees from regional schools and 4 online—the event brought together secondary
school teachers, educaFonal authoriFes, and professionals invested in innovaFve approaches to
ciFzenship educaFon.
The event provided a comprehensive overview of the HEDA methodology, which uses arts-based
techniques such as theatre, literature, and visual arts to address civic topics like human rights, social
jusFce, and environmental issues. This arts-integrated approach encourages critical thinking and
student engagement with complex social themes, making it a powerful tool in the classroom. The
presentation included teacher testimonials, hands-on exercises, and video examples, offering a
practical perspective on how the HEDA methodology had been successfully implemented in Icelandic